If you are supposed to be committed to someone, either proclamations of love or by legal binding contracts (marriage), how much do you commit yourself before you end up sacrificing yourself and end up COMMITTED (in a nutward)? How long is long enough? When is ENOUGH ENOUGH? Where is the fine-line between being someone they can lean-on to being extra baggage for you all together?I looked up the legal responsibilities required to meet the obligations of the contract of a marriage. The answers are complicated and ultimately proven on a case by case basis in a nasty divorce trial. So, still I am left to wonder, where the line exists and how close or how far am I from it?
I cannot accept marriage vows as anything but a nice gesture. How can you promise to be with someone 'until death do us part", when they made that SAME vow to some other woman in front of everyone they know, only to file for divorce less than a year later? Besides, what is the divorce rate these days??
SO, in lieu of all this nonsense.... I have my own standard of vows I find fair and quite definitely draws clear boundaries on how far down things can get before the intention to UNITE becomes a pair of TWO equally destroyed people....
I think they got it all wrong... the vows are impossible to keep and the whole marriage process is ass backwards. MAYBE people would be more reluctant to marry if it cost several thousands dollars for the marriage application as opposed to the divorce case.
My idea to correct the marriage process would be to charge $5,000 for a marriage application, $25 for a divorce application. Maybe people would think about it all a little more seriously from the get-go and divorces can be less gory and drawn out.
My ideal vows:
I, (state your name), do take you, (state their name), as my legally binding obligation; to love, reasonably honor and cherish; for better, worse or until you become more trouble that you are worth to me; to have and to hold, unless you stalk me, creep me out or fuck one of my friends and the thought of touching makes me cringe; for as long as there are more richer than poor times, forsaking all others for as along as I possibly can stand to, until death, insanity, or irreconcilable difference do us part.