Tuesday, March 21, 2006

a day late and 2 people short...


At 4:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Julia! Where have you been girl?!?! I have missed your words of wisdom and your hedonistic rants for the past 2 months. I think my reading and vocabulary skills are diminishing because of it...
Welcome back!

At 12:04 PM, Blogger -=JJ=- said...

Troll! Hi darlin'~ I been busier than a one-armed paper hanger. I so appreciate your comments and especially appreciate ya noticing my absenteeism. I am proclaiming you the unofficial, official president(and first and only fan) of the JuicyJulia fan club. I should have you a t-shirt made-lol.

I got in the worse funk this winter... lost my creative spark and go-get-'em attitude, but I feel the beast awakening in me again. Spring brings sunshine and warmth, something I thrive off of both personally and sexually, especially after these horrible gloomy dark and bitterly cold winter days typical here in N.E. Ohio... GOD I gotta get outta here and move to warmth, sun and sex SOON!!1

Thanks again, your continued appreciation of my hedonistic approach to life is EXACTLY what keeps the fires within me fueled to keep on keeping on with just being me.

At 3:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are quite welcome! Though I find it hard to believe that I am your only fan, I will treat my Presidency with honor! LOL!! I will see if I can find that tie for you, I am pretty certain that I will never wear it again!
Yes, winter has a way of supressing things. I am looking forward to your "beast" awakening...though I hope I am not too near when it is unleashed the first time this spring!! ....or do I.... ;-)


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